The research project aims to present a comparative analysis of countries related to the value of their MNCs in the global arena. The study works in secondary data analysis using as a platform the Forbes Global 2000 list, which is maybe the best source explaining the presence of MNCs by country. This research goes beyond the information provided by the original list, offering an index and information about the number of corporations per country as well as their value (number of corporations per country, their position in the ranking and the weight obtained by each company expressed in numerical value). Also the index obtained has been adjusted to the population of each country to determine which one should be the expected value per country from a more realistic perspective. An analysis of cultural clusters and trading zones has been applied as well. Finally, a calculation of the different sectors where MNCs operate give the index the possibility to estimate the % of penetration or...
Category - Jorge MONGAY HURTADO
ESIC Business and Marketing School, Spain